Friday, December 28, 2012

painting distractions

movie night! Netflix gold! so bad its kinda good.

my favorite pig. Bing! 

From the Morticians series.

west side is heaven 


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Hella days

xmas eve log shred fest



best hair, J.Marr

done, for now....




so close

so far

Thursday, December 20, 2012

500$ Xcel Rant.

Got a 4/3 Drylock and after only one month the thing blows out!!!
I emailed the Xcel guys to let them know that it started unraveling at the seams
and they never got back to me. Then a few weeks later a big ass hole rips in the chest.
I email them again and still nothing. 5 emails later STILL no response.
I got this dumb expensive suit for winter, knowing its going to be really cold.
Had to end up buying a Buell last week just to surf again. I guess the lesson is to buy local...
My last Buell suit was amazing and never had a problem. And if they do, you can just drive to the westside and they will fix it.  fuckkkkkkkkkkkk , shitttttttttttttt, ughhhhhhhhhhh

After 2 weeks

After 4 weeks

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

never ending painting days

black background? white background? ughhhh!!!!

he needs teeth.....everyone needs teeth.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

waiting for summer!

waiting for April

Shop Local, Surf Local


Abe oil painting (dark side) almost done with 1 of 9

2 of 9

Monday, December 10, 2012

Santa Cruz Antique Fair

very tiny wekend

the antique fair is really helping this collection.